translations:25:end of battle 10
Impossible! They defeated my troops again!
Oh well, at least Lynx wasn't here to see.
Remember this: you barely escaped with your lives!
I should have known this was a trap...
Hey, over here! Hurry up and open this gate!
(Adam and Ian open the gates of Moun)
I trust the battle went well?
It looks like the Devil Army managed to get away again, didn't they?
You're the one who was taken to see Magus!
That's right, I'm Eric. Although I was part of Mishaela's Devil Army, they discovered my real intentions, and took me before Magus.
So, why do you want to see Mishaela?
My father, Elliot, worked for King Ramladu. But, the Devil Army manipulated the King, and made him a wicked man...
My master, Max, told me of Elliot. He was a proud warrior.
He was a great man. He may have made some mistakes, but he never betrayed his King.
That's right...
But despite that, father should have fought against the Devil Army. I want to defeat the Devil Army - please let me join you!
Eric the Dragon Warrior joined the Force.
Since Moun and it's people are safe and peaceful again, we should stay here
and heal any injuries before we begin our journey.
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Here's the original Japanese script for those of you who might understand it better than I do! (The below text should be viewed in Japanese-EUC mode, not Shift-JIS).
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