translations:12:end of battle 4
You did well, Ian.
We'll see the Kraken again I'm sure, but at least we got across the bridge quickly.
(Suika runs onscreen, and runs around)
Hey, boss!!
Ruburan, your men are in trouble! We were taken by surprise...
You tried to drive the Kraken away?!
Wait a moment....
Ruburan, it looks like you've made the Kraken angry...
(The Kraken quickly finds a way to escape...)
Well, we made it through that one okay!
Oh! The bridge... the bridge is falling away!
(the bridge breaks away completely)
It seems there's only one way forward for us now.
Chief Ruburan, we've been waiting urgently for your return!
Oh, Nosshu?
Why did you sneak away from the others?
It's serious boss! I somehow managed to escape in the panic and confusion!
That woman came back... we didn't expect it. She's dangerous - the others
are in great distress!
Hmm.. sounds like Mishaela to me, don't you think?
Yes, it does.... Let's hurry to my secret base!
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Here's the original Japanese script for those of you who might understand it better than I do! (The below text should be viewed in Japanese-EUC mode, not Shift-JIS).
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(Suika does a little dance around)
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