translations:37:start of battle 16
You dwarves, hurry up!
You've got no right to take a break, you're slaves!
Your eminence, we've received word that the enemy has escaped Eiku's Fortress
and will be arriving here before long.
I'm sorry to say that they were not crushed beneath the crumbling Fortress.
So... they're already on their way here.
This means Eiku must have performed pitifully.
Well, the preparations here are almost finished. It seems we should be able
to do this.
Ian's surprise appearance may be a good opportunity for us...
Ian, we escaped the collapse of the Fortress by a hair's breadth, didn't we?!
Ahh, of course the Devil Army are waiting for us here, too.
It also seems like they've caught some dwarves for slaves, eh?
For some reason these young, weak dwarves are being used in this valley.
But what are they doing?
I don't know, but I think we should be cautious in crossing this valley.
Ah, over there - it's Mishaela.
Ian, now's your chance to defeat Mishaela for sure!
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Here's the original Japanese script for those of you who might understand it better than I do! (The below text should be viewed in Japanese-EUC mode, not Shift-JIS).
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